Set in the extraordinary years of the late 60's, "The Wonder Years" looks back through the eyes of Kevin, the youngest of three children in the Arnold family, on the joys and tribulations of growing up in a typical suburban household.
Welcome to Danica McKellar Online, your online source for Danica McKellar. Danica is probably best known for her role as Winnie Cooper in The Wonder Years. Danica has also starred in Sidekicks, Inspector Mom, Crown for Christmas, Campfire Kiss, and many others. Danica is also a best selling author. Here you will find the latest news, information, photos, media and more!
Photo Archive
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“The Big Bang Theory”, “Cradle of Conspiracy”, “Hack!” + More
I’ve added captures, stills, and more from The Big Bang Theory and Hack!. I also added stills, posters, and more of Danica in Cradle of Conspiracy, Justice for Annie, and Heatstroke.
Danica as… Christine Sims Part of ‘Autumn Harvest’ on GAC Family IMDB Gallery
When former dancer Christine Sims temporarily returns to her hometown in time for the town’s Fall Festival, she discovers her family’s General Store is in trouble. In her efforts to save the business, Christine will need to dust off those dancing shoes one more time, face her ex-fiancé, and maybe even find love.
A Royal Date for Christmas
Danica as… Bella Sparks Part of ‘Great American Christmas’ on GAC Family IMDB Gallery
Bella Sparks, owner of Bella Sparks Couture, takes on a demanding new client “Stefan” to outfit for a week of high stakes meetings and events after his luggage goes missing. Stefan asks Bella to be his “official plus one” for many of the formal soirees, a request Bella accepts with good humor. Imagine Bella’s reaction when she accidentally discovers “Stefan” is Stefan William Francis Brown, the Duke of Tangford.